1 Corinthians
13:12 " For now we see obscurely in a
mirror, but then it will be face to face. Now I know partly;
then I will know fully, just as God has fully known me." (CJB,
Complete Jewish Bible)
2 Timothy
2:15 " Be diligent to present yourself approved
to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately
handling the word of truth." (NASB)
Many good Bible study resources are available to help us
understand Scripture well and in the context in which it
was written. I encourage you to dedicate yourself to studying
your Bible daily; not only reading a devotional booklet or
other Christian books. Those are good additions, but they
are not your Bible--God's word.
is a table of Bible reading plans you may wish to use;
or simply buy a good study Bible and begin reading,
and reflect on what you're reading by journaling or actually
copying the Scripture into a notebook to help you absorb
it and put it to practice in your life. Some of the study
Bibles I find especially beneficial include The Wiersbe Study
Bible, The Apologetics Study Bible, The Archeological Study
Bible, The Vines Expository Bible, the Disciple's Study Bible,
the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, The Knowing Jesus Study
Bible, and the Maxwell Leadership Bible. My favorite Bible
to simply read through is The Narrated Bible by F. LaGard
Smith (it is also Chronological, but the narration helps
us better grasp Old Testament Hebrew history).
God bless you are you study His word, get to know Him through
Scripture, and apply His word to your life!
Colossians 4:2 "Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with
an attitude of thanksgiving" (NASB)
5:17 "Pray without ceasing" (NASB)
prayer, we invite God to accomplish His work in us. But what
if our prayers have become a quick recitation of the same things day
after day, or only before a big meal? Do you find your thoughts wander
away during prayers?
It can help
us focus during prayers to change our methods sometimes, or at least
add to any habitual prayers by committing to additional
prayer times. A way to do that is to use a Prayer Model.
We already use some prayer models, such as bowing our heads
and closing our eyes, ending
with “in Jesus’ name” and “amen”. Some
people enjoy prayer walks around their neighborhoods, some
pray following beads, some pray as they stitch a prayer shawl,
some record prayers and
answers in a prayer journal or using a prayer jar (my favorites),
and others even pray by texting on their cell phones.
Some Example Prayer Models
Lord's Prayer |
Matt.6:5-13 (Luke 11:1 the disciples asked Jesus to teach them
to pray) |
Adoration (praising God for who He is),
Confession (owning up to our sins),
Thanksgiving (thanking God for all He has done),
Supplication (requests for ourselves & others
Honor God with praises,
Examine your life,
Ask for help/needs,
Requests for others,
Thank God |
5 Finger Prayer |
Pointing finger: pray for those who guide us: pastors, teachers,
doctors, counselors, mentors;
Middle finger (tallest one): pray for those who
lead & protect
us: government and business leaders, police and firefighters,
service men;
Ring finger: loved ones) pray for ourselves, family, & friends;
Pinkie finger: Pray for those who are weak: the poor,
sick, disabled, infants, homeless, the powerless, the persecuted;
Thumb: pray about church and societal issues that grip
your heart and thoughts. |
Praise God for who he is,
Repent of sins,
Ask for help,
Yield to
God ’s will |
Praise God for a meaningful hymn/song,
Acknowledge failures & ask
for His help to improve,
Sing the song as a prayer to God,
Thank God for blessing your life and turning your thoughts toward His goals
for your day |
Pray the Alphabet |
Praise God for something for each letter of the alphabet, requests
for someone for each:
Attitude change,
Best outcome,
Change a habit,
Direction from God,
Expanded spiritual growth, etc. |
Calendar |
Write a specific
prayer on each day of January for the New Year (examples: for spiritual
growth, God’s direction in your life,
change an attitude/habit, etc., for yourself and others) |
Ask God
to meet you in your daily quiet time & prepare your
heart for prayer,
Reflect on God’s faithfulness & rejoice
over His provision,
Repent of your sing & ask God to guard your
heart & mind,
Openly lay your burdens/worries & requests
before the Lord,
Worship & praise God for His perfect character & flawless
Silence your heart so you can hear from His (this also means
to shut off distracting technologies) |
Examples of
How to “Pray the Bible”
Many of us were taught as children to simply insert our
name when we quoted John 3:16. Praying Scripture is an extension
of that process. |
Praying the Bible allows the Spirit of God
• to use the Word of God
• to help the people of God
• pray according to the will of God.
To pray the Bible you must know your Bible, to know your Bible you
must read your Bible.
Some ways to Pray the Bible:
Pray the
Bible’s prayers: |
1. For
knowledge & discernment, pray Phil.1:9-11 over
yourself or others
2. To praise God, pray through Psalm 150.
3. For comfort, pray the Apostle Paul’s prayer in 2 Corinthians
1:3-7 |
Pray specific verses that apply to your need: |
4. For
guidance in a decision, pray Psalm 119:105 for God’s
word to be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.
5. To endure hard times, pray Psalm 42:5 “Why are you
downcast, O my soul? Why are you disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior
and my God.”
6. For security, you could pray Psalm 31:7-8 |
Pray narrative passages: |
7. Pray the big picture, or spread out the verses over many
days, such as for praying through 1 Thessalonians 2
8. Pray through 5 verses of Romans each day for a month
9. Pray something from a chapter of Proverbs each day
for a month |
Pray a Psalm each day |
10. This can take the form of 1 psalm a day for about 5 months;
however, some Psalms, such as the imprecatory Psalms are difficult
to find prayer topics in
11. Read 5 chapters in Psalms a day, and choose 1 to
pray through. Instead of reading from Psalm 1 to 150, begin
with the numbered day you are on and add 30 to find the next
Psalm to read. For example, if you decide to start this on
Jan 20th, read Psalm 20 and 50 and 80 and 110 and 140 that
Pray for something or someone the Spirit brings to mind during
your Bible readings |
12. For
example, Psalm 130:3 “If you, O LORD, should
mark iniquities, who could stand?” makes you think of
your friend Mark, so you stop and pray for him.
13. Ask God to direct you, as in Joshua 5:14
CHALLENGE: Commit to a daily Quiet Time
with God through Bible reading and prayer!
Author, Speaker -
Founder and President, Ozarks Chapter of American Christian Writers -
Adjunct Faculty, Judson University -
Trustee, Rockbridge Seminary -
